Most who are looking for mates that they haven't quite found yet are so interested in getting to where they're going that they're missing the fun of going there.
--- Abraham
Agreed. I am happy with where I am in my life right now. I like having my own bed...well, I do share it with Switch, but I enjoy going to bed when I want, picking up my things (or not) when I want. Yes, sleeping with someone is nice and all, but I don't think I'd get as good a night's sleep. And it's pretty iffy right now anyway. It seems like a long way away in my world to be co habitating with someone again. Sure there's benefits, and I won't be shy to say that some domestic partner benefits would be damn useful right now, but I'm good where I am. And I'm also able to appreciate my friends and lovers for exactly who they are are whatever roles they might play in my life. I give thanks for each connction I have and for its respective individuality. I'm having a FUN journey. :)
ok, I think that's all I wanted to say. Going to bed now.
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