Sunday, June 27, 2010


Woke up
Made oatmeal and decaf then checked email
Picked up personal space, stripped bed, hung up clothes,vacuumed
Ran out to trader joes
read email and studied history

So far so good

Still left to do:
Additions to syllabus/email O
Gather/prep supplies for tomorrow
Hooks into autoclave bags
Dinner with the MamaB
Probably more resting
Email if I get to it
Plans and gather notes for two meetings this week
Pack for Yosemite
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Thursday, June 24, 2010

not much of any import

Wow, it's only been a week?  It feels like a lot longer since I've written here. I really do prefer to write more often, but you know how it goes. 

I've been working extra hours, not sleeping very much, not resting or napping enough, surviving on tylenol to manage illness and inflammation...and actually been dealing with a lot of stuff.  I'm still feeling "fluey" but the brochial cough is better.  I've been planning a presentation at APEX, which is something I haven't done in a while, putting together this hook pull and ball dance that goes off in two weeks, planning for my family gathering that happens in August, going out of town over the 4th to Yosemite to visit with a friend.  two more weeks and I get a rest.  maybe. 

I've also got to start working on my applications for colleges, as the one that's going to my first choice of school needs to be in by October.  I have the grades, and the financial need, but I'm going to need a killer essay.  I need to track down a cheap used computer, ideally this week, because the one I have is about to die and could crash at any time.  And in the middle of this I have friends I want to see, dates to go on, and I'd sure love to get laid or play too. ;)

Summer was supposed to be a time to rest.  WTF?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Epstein-Barr Virus

My brother bought me this for my birthday.  We found it at Wicked Grounds in SF.  There was every STD available, all the herpes, HPV, HIV, syphillis, etc. It came with an informative little card with an image of the virus magnified 1 000 000 times...and it did look like purplish balls with pokey corners....don't know if this is a natural color or a stain.  Ask me after Micro.  ;)  My own research was in alighment with the info on the card in that about 99% of the adult population would test positive for antibodies to this virus.  In children in can infect with no symptoms at all, and it's only in teenagers that the infection is expressed in the symptoms of mononucleosis.  Kris didn't get at first why I'd want such a little toy.  But to me this was an easy way of visualizing this little virus which is apparently wrecking havoc in my body.  And it's cute, and fuzzy, and has pretty eyelashes.  Yes, this is a way of viewing this situation lightly, but also a way for me to have something physical and external with which to focus my healing thoughts and energies.  If I can touch and love this little critter, then symbolically I am also loving this virus inside of me.  This helps me to allow whatever needs to be, to be.  What I resist, persists.  What I allow, may pass.  And if it doesn't pass, then at least I'm not at odds with my own body, I am at peace. 


I feel flu-ey.  flooee, fluie?  Fluey, I think.  Yes.  I smile as I write this, as tired and sick as I feel right now.  I've invented a funny word that makes light of feeling ill.  This makes me happy.  This funny word helps me to allow this illness to be what it needs to be.  I'm tired and sick, but I am in a pretty good mood considering. ;)  The thing is, I feel aligned.  Right now, this minute.  I am listening to my body, and within every cell I hear the call to rest, to be, to relax, to let go of expectations and committments. I am exactly as I need to be right now.  And for that, I am grateful.

I seem to be experiencing primarily immune system symptoms: sore throat, swollen cervical lymph nodes, a sneeze, and a weird dry cough though my lungs and airway are clear.  My herbal throat spray seems to help it a little, but tylenol again seems to be the savior NSAID.  Tired, yes...and so tired from pushing myself these last couple of days through work, especially after feeling ill while in California, I'm so tired I can't seem to sleep.  Not good.  Insomnia has kicked in.  My eyes are burning, my body is sore, my head is propped up so I can see the screen as I type, but I can't seem to get much sleep.  I'm concerned that I'm heading for a right old crash and burn.  This happens when I push myself too much past my average daily efforts and I start to run on adrenaline. 

I'm noticing this cluster of symptoms and separating them from others.  Although the ubiquitous fatigue is present, it has been worse...and my mind seems relatively clear, vision is normal, I'm putting sentences together that, barring typos, seem coherent when I go back and reread them.  So I think, mostly for my own records I'm going to classify my symptoms into a few categories, keeping in mind that there is much crossover, and that severity increases with exertion, mental or physical.

1-immune based.  feeling fluey.  swollen nodes, sore throat, cough, sneeze.  body temp slightly elevated at 98.5.  (I'm quite low when I'm feeling good, around 95.5-96.5 or so)  mental functioning rather clear, although fatigue is obvious, because of adrenaline. edema.

2-neurological based- unsteadiness on feet, need to lie down at its worst, can't find the right words, mental processes slow, withdrawn socially, emotional lability, visual disturbances like words swimming, increased dyslexia symptoms,

3-spleenic- all of the neurological as above but with pain and fullness in ULQ, discomfort in positioning and sleeping, nausea, early saiety.  neuro symtoms fade in a few days but swelling can persist for a few weeks.

4-musculoskeletal- severe joint pain, muscle pain that comes on within minutes of exertion and lasts for days, muscle aches, old injuries flare up, muscle weakness, the wobbles, mistrust that my legs will fully support me

5-hives and allergy-still sorta weird.  seems to flare up over a long term, like for months at a time but with shorter term flares for other reasons.  worse with exertion, fevers up to 101, chills and shakes, (fevers present with musculoskeletal too) high sensitivity to environment chemicals, fragrances, and mostly foods of all sorts. 

6-general symptoms that worsen with exertion- facial rash and flushing, hives, eye bags, eyelids discoloring, unsteadiness, blood pressure drop upon standing after sitting or lying down, cognitive dysfunctions and all neuro symptoms get worse, edema, disorientation, slow reflexes

I'm sure there's more that I could list, but this gives me a better picture of different types of symptom flare ups.  So far, other than increased environmental sensitivity leading to increased symptoms, I have been unable to specifically assign a symptom picture with a specific trigger...other than simply overexertion or not slowing down to rest when I need to. 

Alright, I'm going to try to get a little more sleep.  I'm off.

Sexy..mmm. James Joyce quote. Thanks to my friend S.

"Dublin 2 December 1909

My love for you allows me to pray to the spirit of eternal beauty and tenderness mirrored in your eyes or fling you down under me on that softy belly of yours and fuck you up behind, like a hog riding a sow, glorying in the very stink and sweat that rises from your arse, glorying in the open shape of your upturned dress and white girlish drawers and in the confusion of your flushed cheeks and tangled hair. It allows me to burst into tears of pity and love at some slight word, to tremble with love for you at the sounding of some chord or cadence of music or to lie heads and tails with you feeling your fingers fondling and tickling my ballocks or stuck up in me behind and your hot lips sucking off my cock while my head is wedged in between your fat thighs, my hands clutching the round cushions of your bum and my tongue licking ravenously up your rank red cunt."

... and more, at

"Can I give you some advice that you won't take the wrong way?

How did I know you'd say yes?

Buy something nice for yourself, Lauren. Show it off. Be proud. Love your taste. Love yourself. Spin some secrets, tell a few. Stay out too late every so often and sleep in too long. Play loud music. Make a few mistakes. Celebrate everything. And when no one is looking, kiss the back of each of your hands in quick succession... Mwah! Mwah!

Happy love affair, gorgeous...
The Universe"

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Gazers in SF

I must remember when I upload from the crackberry that it doesn't shift the photo. 
Beautiful Gazers in full open bloom. @ my friend's house in SF. It's been a delight to witness their grace over the past 4 days.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Monday, June 7, 2010

University of San Francisco

I really really enjoyed my visit to USF.  I choose not to spend my money on USF gear at this point, but if the time comes, you better bet you'll be seeing me in a green and gold sweatshirt. :D

So I signed up for the first initial contact visit which was an hour long seminar with an admissions agent and an hour long tour by a student ambassador.  As soon as they realized I'd be a transfer student and a nursing major, they found an admissions counselor who had time tight away to take with me.  I didnt' meet with the nursing guy, but a general admissions guy.  I was able to ask a ton of questions but he couldn't answer everything.  I was able to show my transcripts, in fact, he asked if he could keep them.  So I've got a file started already! I have some advice on what to do for admissions, letters of recommendation, early applications, etc.

The school is small, class size averages 35, and they accept 40 nursing students a semester.  Just as highly competitive as most other nursing schools, but different because it's a private university. Application needs to be in in October and I could know as soon as January if I made it in, but it probably won't be until after FAFSAs are due.  FA package comes along with admission decision.   I'm in financial "need" and I have great grades, if some body's going to get a scholarship, why not me? :)

I'll also apply to SF State and probably Hayward (East Bay) this fall too.  Possibly Sac State too.  I also need to figure out which community colleges have applications in the fall and if I qualify for application. Who knows where I'll end up. Back up plan is to transfer to City College and go from there.

I know I'm supposed to be here, and I want that too.  I'm working with some financial fears, trusting Universe to support me.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Lucy photo

I'll miss my girl while I'm away. But Ocean, here I come!!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry