I woke up this morning nausous with a headache. I made myself get up and into the shower but I needed the wall to hold me up. While I was in the shower I started to mentally compose an email to my two professors to let them know I wouldn't be in class. (I've haven't missed a class, yet all year. I've only missed one day of work since I've been in school.) I wrestled with myself over this. I wrote the email and then didn't send it. Crumpled on the floor next to my bed I cried that I just wanted to be in bed. I guess that's what decided it. If I'm having trouble keeping myself upright and the keys on my blackberry are blurry, then I probably do need to be in bed.
I sent the email, crawled back into bed, and slept for 4 more hours. I'm up now, still feeling miserable, but I couldn't sleep anymore. I still haven't had anything to eat. bleh.
At least Switch is happy to have me home. He's quite comfortable curling up with me in bed.
I'm going to go to my 4pm class as I need the extra credit from perfect attendance, but my other two classes I'm carrying As, so it will be fine for me to get the notes from a classmate. I think I just needed a day to catch up to see me through the last couple of weeks of school. I'm doing my best, and truly, I'm doing pretty damn well considering what I'm working with. :) Wish I felt up to getting through some homework...but I need rest. I'm doing the best thing I can do for me in this moment.
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