At the moment I'm feeling a need to take note of a few pretty awesome things I've done in the past week so I remember to give myself credit and recognition.
I am learning not just a new operating system with the new MacBook, I am also learning how to download an install software, how to transfer data from my hard drive, how to convert .wma files to MP3 files, new Office for Mac software, iTunes software, a new web browser, etc. Wild.
I finished a rough rough draft of my admissions essay to USF. I've got a few really amazing people who have volunteered to read it for me, 2 with PhDs and one my brother who has a degree in literature, and probably one more with a writing degree if I asked. my old English prof, who is writing me a letter of recommendation would probably help if I asked too. Neato. I've still got a few weeks to turn in the application. In fact, since everything is electronic and is coming form different sources it all doesn't all have to be together.
I have to register for spring classes tomorrow morning which seems simple, right? With anticipating my move to California and the transfer into (possibly) the state system there, I've had to do a lot of research into what classes will transfer. I am also uncertain at which school I belong, and each one has slightly different requirements for transfer admission. Small differences, but all the same...I'd rather not take a class here and have to retake it for whatever reason. And some school require a class to be taken at their institution, and the State Board has some requirements for the degree program too. And there are differences in community college, state college, and private college. That's a lot of reference material to sort through to decide on classes. And then I have to look at schedule, availability, etc. That's the easy part. (yikes)
I was housesitting for 10 days. That might not sound like a lot, but to me it's quite disruptive to my space and my schedule. Now traveling is different, as I switch into constant unexpected disruption mode, right? But being in town, doing my regular stuff, and not being in my space with my kitty can be rough for me.
I negotiated with a new roommate to move in two weeks. I gave notice to my current one. I've started packing and even more planning the packing has been done.
I taught a kick ass piercing training class for 12 people over almost 5 hours...and I did good.
I printed out, filled out, and organized the UPC symbols a receipts needed for 3 different rebates.
I did my Butchmann's Experience registration.
I accepted and wrote thank you notes for both scholarships I received.
I learned how to work iChat and had a video call with my dear LondonFaerie. :)
I took care of myself, I rested, I watched movies, I slept when I needed to, I fed myself ok. I'm (mostly) keeping up with schoolwork and so far have 100% on quizzes. (3 major tests this coming week)
Combine all this with full time class and 3 days of work, plus two private clients, and all the driving between work, school, appointments, home, and housesitting, and meetings...I can't believe I'm not more pooped.
Okay bedtime. Thanks for reading. xoxo
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