I've been working with a few archetypes, re-examining my relationship to them, their place in my life, the level of importance, type and frequency of expression, etc. Something new was brought to my attention a few weeks ago, a new growth opportunity that I'm still fairly uncertain of, but certain at the same time. Rather, I'm certain of the direction and the likely outcome, but I feel like I'm on new and shakey ground with it all.
So I plan to write at least one post about each separate archetype. I want to include the basic definition as written in "Sacred Contracts" by Caroline Myss as my possible starting point, but if possible I'm going to include other research and conclusions form other sources as well. And then I plan to explore my relationship to and with that archetype. Some might be archetypes with which I personally identify, ones that used to be prominant, ones that I think might be moreso in future, and I might also look at some that I don't carry but might exist in contrast to or in relation to sertain archetypes I do carry.
I do feel pretty tired tonight, so maybe I won't start with the first one right now. I did want to post my intention, however.
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