Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Butchmanns Experience Affirmations

Being an enabler or a co-dependant is not equal in any way to being a slave.

I have felt the most positive and accelerated growth over the past few years with my tribe and as I become more and more self-sufficient.

I receive direct messages about my life, my path, and my purpose from Universe.  I do not need an intercessor. 

I welcome angels, messages, and information from many varied sources and each source is different and valuable.

I value mirroring provided to me by others because it offers me a view that is not colored by my own ego.

I have the Faith and the Confidence to be obedient to Goddess and Universe.

I enjoy being in service to humans occasionally and by my choice.

I must take care of my needs first, and then care for others with my Abundance.

I value the unique and varied connections with others that are Divinely present.

If I have agreed to serve in some way, and my needs become known and urgent, I can feel resentful of the commitment.  It is better to speak those needs, to recognize them and value them first, then determine the best course of action.

I feel powerful when I am independent, confident, and my needs are met.

I am most comfortable with a varied continuum of relationships, sexualities, genders, and authority exchanges. 

All archetypes have equal value and will have equal opportunity for presentation and expression. 

All thoughts, words, and actions are serving my greatest good as well as the greatest good of All. 

Ho, Mitakuye Oyasin

I AM already perfect in this and in each moment.  Who I am is constantly changing. 

In being Authentic I sometimes risk the perceived loss of a sense of inclusion, acceptance, or approval.  Authenticity is worth the risk every time.

Only I can choose to serve, no one makes the decision for me.  If Universe brings me a Master, I may choose to serve.  If Universe offers me a slave, I may also choose to serve.  If Universe beings me a partner, or many partners, I will still choose to serve.  I am obedient to Divine Will. 

Not my will but Thy will be done.  Let my will and Thy will be one.

Protocol was enabling my social anxiety.  I feel stronger when I am able to act with my own authority in each different social situation.

Control of actions, behaviors, and play partners was helping me to feel loved, however this too enabled me to continue with the illusion of unworthiness.  I am worthy of love and do not require the attentions of others as a way to feel valuable.  Attention feels good, but most important is my self-love and self-respect. 

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