"Sometimes I go about pitying myself, and all the time I am being carried on great winds across the sky". -Chippewa saying
I am told often that I look great, that my energy is good, that my field seems bright and clear. I feel much joy when I hear comments like this. It means that my sense of connection to All is healthy and strong even if my physical body is not doing everything I am asking it to do. I *feel* healthy and strong, spiritually. And the better I take care of myself, the more time and effort I put into self-love and self-care, the stronger my sense of connection.
I found a book yesterday at Bookman's that I wasn't looking for, but it was exactly what I needed to find. (thank you) It's called "You Are Not Your Illness" by Linda Noble Topf, M.A., a 25+ year survivor with MS, multiple sclerosis. I have already been applying all my best skills to process this recent health challenge, but it's always good to hear another voice, to not feel so alone. At it's worst the debilitating effects of ME/CFS have been compared to MS, HIV/AIDS, lupus, and RA. There is even some evidence that it is caused by a retrovirus, one of only 3 known human retroviruses.
I am grateful for my body, for the sensations I experience in this life. I am grateful for the bike, Lucy, because when I ride I feel like I have wings that take me up and away from physical limitations. I have such joy and love in my heart. Thank you Goddess. I celebrate you and new life with the gift of a beautiful flower on my altar. Happy Beltane.
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