Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Death and Dying

So I felt very called to take this class, the Psychology of Death and Dying, and so I did.  And didn't really question it too much.  I thought maybe it would be interesting to study something so familiar with personal experience, and I figured it certainly wouldn't hurt with my career plans for nursing. 
Turns out I will have no less than 5 opportunities to share with the class including my first awareness of death, an interview with someone who is facing a life-threatening illness, and the kicker...a personal story about someone close to us who has died.  The others are only a few minutes, but the story can be 5 or it can be 25, and it can be a simple verbal telling or it can be powerpoint or pictures or music. 

Someone bring the Kleenex, eh?

So not only am I going to be able to visit the county medical examiner's office, the mortuary science building, and hear from a holocaust survivor, I also get to process some of my own shit, AND I get to practice this talking in front of the class thing.  (TGFklonopin) ;)


gotta learn how to scan some photos of my will help me tell the story.

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